Monday, May 24, 2010

Carnival Weekend Photos

Turned out to be a perfect weather weekend for our Carnival Games and events...not too hot, no rain and a nice little breeze. Enjoyed having the mobile petting zoo, as well as some old favorites (the face painting, balloon animals, rock wall, waterslide and more).

Monday, May 17, 2010

Carnival Weekend Coming Up!!

This upcoming weekend features our annual Carnival Weekend, with our 1st bonfire, Steve Wronker's hypnosis show, inflatables from The Party People, Mr. Magic, balloonists & face painters from Clown City, tattoos, a petting zoo, ceramics, "Noah's Ark" stuffed animals, Candy Bingo and more. Along with the music fests, Saturday of Carnival Weekend is one of the few days where "rain-free" weather is rather important. Hope everyone who stuck around Sunday afternoon enjoyed the old-fashioned cook-out and tie-dye, as we did scurry out pretty quickly after the Annual Unit Owners' Meeting to catch Curious George Live On Stage over at the University of Rhode Island. Not too bad, but probably not worth $20 for a 1 year old who was happiest just to be eating popcorn.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oldies Weekend Photos

Just taking a moment to post some pix from Oldies Weekend, with the Classic Car Show, the Karaoke Contest (congrats to finalists Tricia & Scott and champion Rebecca C), the Outriggers and Joey Dee. Looks like another beautiful day at Strawberry Park...a reminder that the annual owner's meeting is today 1PM.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Congratulations to the Raffle Winners!

Mother's Day featured a windy, chilly Bingo with about 180 players, as well as the big raffle drawing. Each weekend reservation and spring special received a ticket, and additional tickets were available for purchase. The SIDS Network (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, one of our Bingo sponsors) ran the raffle, and the big $1500 winner was Ed Nadeau of Wolcott, CT. Additional winners were Ed Brasche ($400), Jen Desjardins ($300), The Woolf Family ($200) and Cheri Woodruff ($100). The Woodruffs were also lucky at Bingo this weekend, with one daughter winning the big jackpot on Saturday (over $400), and the other 2 completely dominating our Kid's Cany Bingo on Sunday (3 straight wins to start the day, and 6 or 7 wins overall, including the candy jackpot). Nearly 300 campers enjoyed a special Mother's Day breakfast, with over 1000 eggs being served. Congrats to our first greased pole climb champion of 2010 (pictured). Hope you are able to join us for our upcoming Oldies Weekend, featuring Joey Dee and also the Outriggers.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend on the way

This upcoming weekend features our Bingo Bonanza on Mother's Day, with a $2500 raffle on Sunday (grand prize $1500, with additional prizes of $400, $300, $200 and $100). Also, free breakfast buffet for mom on Sunday morning. Some nice weather on this Wednesday, which also happens to be Mary T's birthday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Photos of the Disc Golf Tourney

Nice turn-out for the charity fundraiser on Sunday, with more than 1/2 of the teams made up of Strawberry Park campers. Congrats to the winners--Ricky P had the lead with 24, but was knocked out of the title by Dan with a 22. AJ was the winner of the "closest to the pin" contest on hole #3 with a 6' distance. Looks like Madonna Place raised about $1500 through sign-ups and hole sponsors. Could have utilized some of their community services last night, but that is a different story. Additional photos courtesy of Khoi at the Norwich Bulletin can be viewed at, as well as the full article. They quoted Rick K and AJ...guess they were unable to make any sense out of what Tim said. Fun time had by all, and even some sunburns. We have begun to welcome some of our Florida snowbirds back to the campground, and Bud and Mary brought rain...but it was somewhat needed, and fell after the beautiful weekend (and perhaps warmed the pool a degree or two).

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Summer is least for the weekend

At least a few kids believe that Mayday is the start of summer. Water temp is in the low 50's, but that is not stopping them from swimming. The adults in the hot tub are enjoying the 102 degrees. Just a heads up to all long term campers that the annual packet has been mailed, with owner guest passes, site improvement regs, the welcome letter, the golf cart rules...and for the unit owners, the notice of meeting(s) on May 16 for the annual meeting and budget meeting, as well as the budget info. Still not too late to sign up for the disc golf charity event on Sunday, May 2. If you see Elaine at the reservation desk and want to get her to turn a little red, do what a young couple did this morning...asking if they could rent a trailer for a few hours. That was a first.