Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A little snow on New Year's Eve

Hopefully, a little snow won't deter many campers from joining us for the New Year's Eve Party, which starts at 7pm. A reminder that the forecast is for a very chilly evening, following some mid-day snow. We are not expecting as much accumulation here in SE CT as many up in Mass, but a couple of inches should fall. Please be sure to don proper footwear, as while the stairs will be shoveled, it may remain a little slippery. For those inquiring about having to cancel, while we sincerely hope that you can make it, please understand that the decorations have been bought, the DJ has been paid and the door prizes have been other words, there is not much we can do about refunding for "no shows". On the labor front, it appears that Jen should make it through the holiday, which means that we should not need Jorge to call Bingo in Portuguese. Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bluegrass & Cajun/Zydeco Festivals Posted

Strawberry Park's two big music festivals will be taking place on the 2 weekends AFTER Memorial Day, with our 32nd Bluegrass Festival on May 28-31, 2009, and our 13th Blast from the Bayou Cajun/Zydeco Fest on June 4-7, 2009. The performers have been posted on the website for a few weeks, but with reservations starting in just a few days, we have now listed the preliminary schedules, with just a couple of "To be announced" gaps in the line-up. Remember, we will start answering the phones at 8am on Friday, January 2 for reservations, and the lines will be very active until at least keep trying! Or, join the earlybirds who will be waiting for us in the parking lot at 7am (sorry, no doughnuts provided). Happy New Year to everyone in advance (just in case the baby arrives earlier than expected).

2009 Bluegrass Festival
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009
6:00PM Amy Gallatin & Stillwaters
7:00PM The Farewell Drifters
8:30PM Danny Paisley & The Southern Grass

FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2009
12:00PM Kenny & Amanda Smith
1:00PM The Gibson Brothers
2:00PM Rhonda Vincent & The Rage
3:00PM Amy Gallatin & Stillwaters
4:00PM Danny Paisley & The Southern Grass
5:00PM The Farewell Drifters
6:00PM The Gibson Brothers
7:00PM Kenny & Amanda Smith
8:15PM The Greencards
9:30PM Rhonda Vincent & The Rage

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2009
12:00PM The Kruger Brothers
1:00PM Josh Williams
2:00PM Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper
3:00PM Dry Branch Fire Squad
5:00PM Josh Williams
6:00PM Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper
7:00PM The Kruger Brothers
8:15PM Lonesome River Band
9:30PM The Greencards

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2009
Our Sunday morning Gospel Hour will be hosted by the Dry Branch Fire Squad
10:00AM Dry Branch Fire Squad
11:30AM Dale Ann Bradley
1:30PM Jonathan Edwards
3:00PM Lonesome River Band

Program & Performers Subject to Change

13th Annual Strawberry Park
Blast from the Bayou
Cajun/Zydeco Festival
June 4, 5, 6, & 7, 2009
Preliminary Schedule of Performers
Program & Performers Subject to Change

Scheduled Performers
5:00 PM Jesse Lege
6:30 PM Lil Anne
8:15 PM Pine Leaf Boys
FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2009
Scheduled Performers
12:00 PM RedLine Zydeco
1:30 PM Jesse Lege
3:00 PM Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie
4:45 PM Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne
6:00 PM Pine Leaf Boys
7:30 PM Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie
9:15 PM Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys
Scheduled Performers
12:00 PM Brian Jack
1:45 PM Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys
3:30 PM Dennis Stroughmatt
5:15 PM Feufollet
7:00 PM Brian Jack
9:15 PM Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie
SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2009
Scheduled Performers
10:00 AM Cajun Brunch with Feufollet
11:15 AM Dennis Stroughmatt
12:30 PM Feufollet
1:45 PM Brian Jack
3:30 PM To be announced

Monday, December 29, 2008

Annual Staff Holiday Party

On Sunday afternoon, with a backdrop of NFL finales, we gathered in the Rec Center for our Annual Strawberry Park Staff Holiday Party. With many of the college students home during break, we had over 40 attendees. Our thanks to Olde Tymes Restaurant in Norwich for catering the party (don't be surprised to see some leftovers at the New Year's Party on Wednesday night). Congratulations to our door prize winners, as well as to the champions in our two party competitions: Cup Stacking and Rock, Paper, Scissors. Our Pool Supervisor Glenn C brought some "cup stacking" kits, and 7 staff members battled for the top prize. The top prize went to Brenton L of the summer maintenance staff, with a winning time of under 7 seconds in stacking and unstacking 12 cups in a "3, 6, 3" manner. If you have never witnessed competitive cup stacking, it has become popular with elementary school phys ed classes, improving hand-eye coordination. Since the holidays involved wrapping presents (paper and scissors), and some folks got coal in their stockings (rock? probably very few "rocks" of the diamond variety this year), we held a 16-person "Rock, Paper, Scissors" tournament. Using a double-elimination best of 5 format, Jen Nowa marched through the bracket undefeated. Also wish to thank those who helped decorate the tree, which will remain up for New Year's. There was some disappointment in Elaine's eyes upon seeing an artificial tree instead of the traditional, real 12 foot monsters of the past. However, we had previously held our staff party PRIOR to Christmas. With the 2008 edition taking place a week later, we were unable to find a Christmas tree farm open for business after Christmas. It was a difficult choice between chopping down one of the cedar trees along the third base line of the softball field or taking advantage of the 50% off all holiday items, including fake trees, but Home Depot won out. Next up is our Annual New Year's party on Wednesday night, and we have heard from approximately 50 families who will be joining us.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

Despite it being the off-season, this is a very busy week at Strawberry Park. Thankfully, most of the pre-Christmas snow has melted. On Sunday, Dec 28 we will host our annual staff holiday party, with over 40 staff members expected to attend. Three nights later is our New Year's Eve party, with over 150 campers joining us for Bingo, dancing, a pot-luck dinner and more. Following a well-needed rest on January 1, Strawberry Park will start taking 2009 camping reservations on January 2 at 8am. The phones will be ringing off the hook, and a few campers even show up in person early in the morning to reserve their site--particularly the Bluegrass Festival attendees. In addition to all these happenings, Dave and Jen are expecting their second child very soon...January 5th at the latest. Brock is unsure if he is going to have a little brother or a little sister, but he will know soon enough. This is our first attempt at "blogging", so please be patient...we hope to be adding important announcements as well as pictures of Strawberry Park campers participating in the various events and activities.