Monday, December 29, 2008

Annual Staff Holiday Party

On Sunday afternoon, with a backdrop of NFL finales, we gathered in the Rec Center for our Annual Strawberry Park Staff Holiday Party. With many of the college students home during break, we had over 40 attendees. Our thanks to Olde Tymes Restaurant in Norwich for catering the party (don't be surprised to see some leftovers at the New Year's Party on Wednesday night). Congratulations to our door prize winners, as well as to the champions in our two party competitions: Cup Stacking and Rock, Paper, Scissors. Our Pool Supervisor Glenn C brought some "cup stacking" kits, and 7 staff members battled for the top prize. The top prize went to Brenton L of the summer maintenance staff, with a winning time of under 7 seconds in stacking and unstacking 12 cups in a "3, 6, 3" manner. If you have never witnessed competitive cup stacking, it has become popular with elementary school phys ed classes, improving hand-eye coordination. Since the holidays involved wrapping presents (paper and scissors), and some folks got coal in their stockings (rock? probably very few "rocks" of the diamond variety this year), we held a 16-person "Rock, Paper, Scissors" tournament. Using a double-elimination best of 5 format, Jen Nowa marched through the bracket undefeated. Also wish to thank those who helped decorate the tree, which will remain up for New Year's. There was some disappointment in Elaine's eyes upon seeing an artificial tree instead of the traditional, real 12 foot monsters of the past. However, we had previously held our staff party PRIOR to Christmas. With the 2008 edition taking place a week later, we were unable to find a Christmas tree farm open for business after Christmas. It was a difficult choice between chopping down one of the cedar trees along the third base line of the softball field or taking advantage of the 50% off all holiday items, including fake trees, but Home Depot won out. Next up is our Annual New Year's party on Wednesday night, and we have heard from approximately 50 families who will be joining us.

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