Saturday, April 11, 2009

How soon can you pick on someone who is mildly injured?

While I had mentioned that weekend posts would be unlikely, I am faced with a bit of a dilemma. If someone you know is slightly hurt in a foolish accident, how soon can you rib them? I won't mention any names (yet), but the one-liners were just building up so quickly from so many people, I could not resist. A word to the wise: while Strawberry Park requires rails on all decks, we had not considered needing them on the roofs of Park Models, but...? Since it was apparently "just" a broken arm and some stitches, it has been determined that he is now fair game to be the butt of some jokes. Such as...considering your spouse, couldn't you find a higher roof from which to jump? and this one from an anonymous neighbor "Humpty Dumpty wasn't the only one who was pushed...have you checked your spouse's recent upgrade to your life insurance policy?" While good fences may make good neighbors, they don't generally make for good landings. After so much wavering between a turn shoe and a flip shoe, maybe you've accidentally discovered the answer: pitch horseshoes left-handed. You are lucky that you have the only wife that when an accident occurs and you need to call an ambulance, she can be heard at the firehouse without the need of a phone. There was a rumor that perhaps it was all part of a devious plot, wherein a mysterious man with eyes for your wife placed leaves on your roof, knowing that your wife would then complain about the roof, prompting you to try and rake the roof on a damp and blustery day. Your fall would then open the path for the mystery man to woo your wife. However, the author of this marvelously creative story obviously does not know your spouse. Well, that just about sums up all the mocking that I heard last night at Bingo. For those of you familiar with some of our long-term campers, you may be able to surmise the identity. We do wish him a speedy recovery...and there is always washer toss, which can be played in a cast (and which would be a very short walk).

1 comment:

  1. This is a very insensitive comment to make about a dear, funny, and slightly good looking friend. Oh yeah, he has a wife too. Just remember, it is not funny when someone gets hurt, it is hilarious.
