Monday, May 18, 2009

Carnival Weekend Photos

Giant Paper Chain Building

Greased Pole Climb Champs
Bungee Flipping

Face Painting
Curious Critters

Rock Wall & Water Slide

Hypnosis Show

Egg Toss Champs

Dancing to Don Donegan at the Bonfire

Mr Magic in action

With Memorial Day now upon us, Carnival Weekend has passed. It was a little earlier than normal this year, for while it is always the weekend before Memorial Day, that holiday is as early as possible this year (May 25) next year will be a later Carnival and Memorial Day Weekend. The weather held off fairly well on Saturday, except for that little passing shower during the Carnival. The threatening sky did cause us to move the Steve Wronker hypnosis show under the Rec Center, and as always, plenty of volunteers (but not too many adults). Our egg tossers took a long time to break a tie, so sorry the photo is quite dark. We were happy to have our first bonfire of the season, but the mist kept a few folks away. Sunday was not nearly as damp as was predicted, but it was quite chilly. We hosted a picnic for Three Rivers Community College, and the cool temps kept a few of them from attending. Our Bingo crowd on Sunday was much smaller, but we still had a good turnout for the Mr. Magic show and the Noah's Ark stuffed animal building. As always, my apologies if photo captions are not quite aligned with photos--still figuring that out. Wonder what the record is for most consecutive walk-off the Yanks have 3 straight.

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