Monday, November 16, 2009

Advance Screening of new website

We are offering an advance screening of our newly designed website (Sherman would be proud of my theatrical terminology), as we expect to launch the new site later this week. Please let us know if you find anything that does not seem to work (such as any links), as it may take a week to work out any kinks. I don't really know how some of the technical stuff works, but Leslie and her fine friends at Streamlined Development have been working to make the transfer painless. Tough day for some football fans on Sunday...what is worse, getting dominated all game and knowing it was ugly (the Cowboys vs Packers), or winning all game and blowing a late lead (the Pats)? I'd lean toward the Pats loss being more painful. For those who recall our Rec Staff from the summer, Tyler B is a former Griswold wrestler who made it to the New England finals as a senior, and is now at Hofstra, a top 25 division 1 program (there have been very few CT wrestlers who have gone on to wrestle at major college programs). He beat a blue-chip recruit from Minnesota to earn his first ever varsity start on Sunday, and wouldn't you know that he drew the last bout of the day, and despite Hofstra being favored over Buffalo, it all came down to his match. He wrestled well, and kept his opponent scoreless, getting a lead, and increasing it to 4-0 with a takedown with just over 15 seconds left. Suddenly, something that I don't recall happening to him in a long, long time...he got caught, reversed and taken to his back for a 5 point move and lost 5-4, giving Buffalo a 16-16 tie. Jen and I watched on the internet ($5 for a live feed), while Matt was actually in Long Island and went to watch. Just want to let him know that we are all proud of his accomplishments, and hope he rebounds well. I don't know if I have been so involved in watching a match since I left coaching many years ago, but Tyler and his classmate Brock (yes, there are more Brocks out there) were both part of our Griswold program, and were both State Champs and New England finalists as seniors (the last time I watched such a painful loss). Good new is that since I have no close ties to any current wrestlers/athletes, I won't be a suffering fan until Brock & Reed start playing sports.

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