Monday, November 22, 2010

Back from the Road Trip

Covered over 1300 miles and many states on our 6 day whirlwind tour of the mid-Atlantic region, and returned home with a few questions. First, I am not sure that the alligator snapping turtle on display at the National Zoo in DC is actually alive. Second, if you go to see the Holiday Lights display at Hershey, and there is still a big buck deer standing there on the left just after the entrance, maybe he was not real after all. Lastly, why would a stupid GPS device take you THROUGH New York City and all the tolls and traffic. The boys were excited to see 3 zoos (Bronx, National and the Zoo America at Hershey), with the best part being the overhead rope course for the orangutans in DC. Had a little trouble finding that zoo, which prompted Brock to say it looked like our house in the woods as we approached it. Did not realize how large Gettysburg actually was. Headed into the cave at Luray, VA, but the boys favorite day was the indoor water park in VA. Having not stayed in many hotels the last few years, would have to say that if I owned any stock in shower curtain rings, I would sell, since everyone has those 1-piece curtains with the built in loops. I guess all the mammals at the Smithsonian are actually works of taxidermy, but was not too sure when looking at them. The weather was fairly good all trip, with not much rain and a temp that always aeemed to be 53 degrees when we were driving anywhere. I did get a few odd stares from the Christmas folks at Hershey on opening night, since I was the only one there in shorts (seemed like parkas and mittens were all the rage, as it was in the mid-30s). Maybe next time we will try to pick one spot to stay at more than a single night, as the kids did get a little confused sleeping in a different hotel every night...but they were quite good in the car. If it was not nap time, the portable DVD player was well worth bringing along. Good to be back home in CT, with a full house expected for Thanksgiving (an early thanks to Jen's dad for helping replace our broken dishwasher, as I was not looking forward to doing dishes for 19 by hand on Thursday, as there are actually some interesting football games on tap). Here's wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!!

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