Friday, December 11, 2009

TGIF...cuz Thursday kinda stunk

Looking forward to a journey north, first trip to Santa Land (or something like that) up in New Hampshire. Just wish the weather was more tropical and the drive was not so long. If you had any wagers on which of our 2 boys would get a stitch first, the winner is....Reed! With a full month of walking experience, he somehow took a digger into the table. If the cut were anywhere other than on his eyebrow, they could have just glued it (sounds cool, and having never seen that done, I was looking forward to that option). Just one little stitch, and he was brave. While waiting in the hospital room, Brock cut his lip, but since they were not offering any "buy one get one free" sales like everyone else at this holiday time, we told him to be a brave big brother and suck it up. So in case any of you might be expecting a holiday photo from Santa Land with the boys, my guess is that Fat Lip and Black Eye (as we may see some reindeer or totonka up north, we have given the boys new Native American nicknames) won't be doing much posing for anything but a profile. I guess the good news is that when, years from now, Reed asks why he had a shiner for Christmas, we can tell him it was because he asked Santa for too many presents and the elves roughed him up. Although we are heading to NH with one of Jen's good friends who have a son Brock's age, in this job market, the thought of bringing Jen's mom crossed my mind, as Santa Land must always be looking for seasonal elves. Getting back to why Thursday was a rotten day (as if a hospital visit were not enough), our tradition of car accidents on days when heading to Backus Hospital for Reed is still alive! You may recall that when we went in January for Reed's delivery that we slid down the icy driveway and hit a tree with Jen's car. Last night, I got the call about the cut as leaving work...and proceeded to take out a deer on the way home. At first, I thought for sure I needed to call my neighbor with the large freezer (and to taunt Jody on Facebook that I got a deer before he did), but the big lug struggled to his feet and wandered off into the woods. While the airbags did not deploy, some decent damage to the front of the truck, and I have left the hair and saliva in case Allstate needs evidence. I tend to see deer most nights on the way home, but this guy caught me off guard. Since the accident was so close to home, I was a little worried about herd retribution while at the hospital, but there was no addtional damage or antler graffiti when we got home. I guess the only thing that could have made the day worse would have been if I were a Steelers fan.

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