Monday, January 4, 2010

Passing of Patrick Perkins Jr

Patrick Perkins Jr (age 18) and his mother Darlene Miles passed away on New Year's Eve in a one-car accident in Griswold, shortly before midnight. Patrick worked at the Grill & Creamery, and was a very outgoing worker. He maintained a positive outlook, and enjoyed helping others. I will always remember him as the kid who would bring me a lemonade refill at Bingo on hot days without me even asking. Many of our campers will recall him if you see his picture shown here from the story in the NL Day (although that photo is a couple of years old) or in the obituary in today's Norwich Bulletin (photo can't be seen in online version). His father, Patrick Sr, worked on our security staff in 2008, and early in 2009 before needing to take time off due to an ankle injury, while Patrick Jr's grandmother Noreen has been part of our housekeeping staff. Calling hours are on Tuesday, January 5 from 5pm-7pm at Gagne Piechowski in Griswold. Additional information can be found at the links below. Strawberry Park sends our condolences to the entire family.


  1. I am devastated to hear of the passing of Patrick and his mother. Patrick was the sweetest young man and was so excited about turning 18 in December. He will be missed.

  2. i was devistated at the news never dream't that i'd be your last birthday party. where going to miss you Patrick .
