Wednesday, January 6, 2010

RV Show Season is Upon Us

This coming weekend features the Hartford RV & Camping Show at the Convention Center, the first big camping show of the year. That will be followed by the return of the Boston RV Show on Jan 15-18, and then many more to follow. Stop by and say hello, as it looks like Mary, Allison and Emily will be at the booth this weekend in Hartford. As much as Jen & I would like to be there, we have Reed's 1st birthday party this weekend. He turned 1 yesterday (also a Happy 3rd Birthday to Lily on site 110). If you are joining us on Sunday for Reed's party, the Patriots play at 1pm, so some folks might get there early to catch the first half. The driveway is a bit slick, so bring your hiking boots. Jen and I attempted to attend the wake for Patrick and his mom last night, but with what appeared to be approximately 400-500 people in line, after about an hour, we had to get back to the sitter and Reed's melting cake. Our apologies to Pat Sr for being unable to make it inside, as we did say quite a few Strawberry Park staff members among the crowd.

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