Monday, March 22, 2010

Hope everyone enjoyed summer in March

How often does the vernal equinox fall on a Saturday when record temperatures are being set? Probably not too common, but sure was enjoyable. I am sure we have all been spoiled, and anything remotely chilly or wet will be despised over the next couple of month. Numerous campers were out and about this weekend as they prepared for the start of the season. Glenn has been working on the water lines, and although we don't usually have all sites live until April 1, he is fairly optimistic that sites will have water for this coming weekend (March 26-28), but no 100% assurances, as turning the system on sometimes shows a few underground breaks from winter frost heaving. The leaf clean up progress continues, and the only negative to this early spring weather might be that the grass thinks it should start growing sooner than normal. We typically have the first mowing around May 1, and if the grass is a month ahead of schedule, it may not get a little longer than expected before the first cut. Guessing that I am not the only one whose NCAA bracket was busted early (I had Villanova winning it all). Still made for some exciting upsets over the weekend. Lastly, while I am not a fan of reality TV or even many game shows, must admit to enjoying the Win it in a Minute...and may look to incorporate some of those games with our campers. Could be interesting.

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