Friday, January 9, 2009

More snow coming? Vote "No"

Still chipping away at Wednesday's icy leftovers, and it looks like more snow is on the way for Saturday. At this point, I am not in favor. However, unlike in the summer where we can invoke the Strawberry Park Anti-Rain Doming Device, it does not work in the winter. If we get hit hard, the office may close a little early, and our booth at the Hartford RV and Camping Show may be unattended for part of the day, as we would rather not have our staff struggle with a dangerous drive. Following the recent storm, cable and internet were down briefly, but Comcast did a very nice job in restoring service on the same day it went out. Dave & Jen appreciate all the well-wishes that have come our way regarding Reed Chapin, who has his first official doctor's appointment today (after a restless night). Still adjusting to the chain reaction of baby/toddler/dog/puppy middle-of-the-night awakenings.

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