Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Catch up time...where to start?

Now that Memorial Day and the 2 music festivals are done, it is time to get caught up on some regular business. The car stickers for the seasonals are being printed today, and I hope to get many of the owner requests for vehicle changes done on Thursday. Received a note about the annual CT Campground Horseshoe Tourney, where campgrounds are represented by three teams of 2. The event will be held on June 27 in Windsor, so we will need to have a qualifier prior...may need to count the Annual Father's Day Tourney as such, as that is the weekend before. Everyone seemed to enjoy the festivals, including many seasonals and owners who attended the music. Saw a couple of regulars get roped into the vending area by a swarm of their young friends--I am sure they did not escape without having to buy some trinket or other. This week and next are busy picnic weeks, with 200 6th graders here today. Sports camps are only 12 days away, while many schools will be in session to start that week. This upcoming weekend features our annual "Little Miss Strawberry Pagaent" on Saturday and our dessert contest on Sunday. Should have some nice photos of those events. While it was a couple of weeks back, Brock had a fun 2nd birthday party on Bluegrass Sunday. His favorite gift came the following week, as 17 yards of screened dirt were dumped near the gate for the flower garden/waterfall project that Gene B is working on. Brock was out there with his hardhat, shovel and backhoe, wishing it could last forever.

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