Monday, June 22, 2009

Dave Wilson wins Horseshoe Tournament

Former Strawberry Park site owner Dave Wilson went undefeated on Saturday in winning the annual Strawberry Park Father's Day Horseshoe Tourney. Dave was here as a guest of Tim A, and their plan to meet in the finals was thwarted early in the day. Other trophy winners included Randy W, whose only loss was to the eventual champion, and Tom B, who battled back through the consolation bracket after losing to Bob Trottier. Fifty players participated in the event, which lasted much of the day. Father's Day also featured the first Sunday night appearance of "The Outriggers", who played at the Rec Center due to a light mist, while Mr. Magic performed for the kids upstairs. Despite the gloomy forecast, the actual weather turned out to be fairly decent this weekend, with Friday afternoon the nicest day we have had in some time. The impending Saturday rains held off until the evening hours, while Sunday was dry here as well. You'd be amazed at how many people call to ask about a cancel based on the long term forecast, and since 7 day notice is required, many people suddenly have medical emergencies. One of the great wonders of the medical world is how many more people are too sick to travel when the forecast is for rain, as no one ever gets sick enough to cancel when the weather is nice Even more remarkably, no friends or family members ever pass away requiring funeral attendance, unless the meteorologists are calling for rain--in which case, scores of people sadly move on, sometimes the day after the family called to cancel reservations, citing a death in the family (it must have been impending). We have always made exceptions to the cancel policy based on legitimate emergencies, but have had to require documentation resulting in a partial credit. Interesting article in the NL Day about the impact of negative forecasts on tourist based businesses.

Hope you enjoy the photos from the weekend. Some horseshoe players went 0-2 and spent most of the day at the pool. Also, a big thanks to Bev R and others who helped establish the library book swap in the Adult Rec Center. Stop up and take a look, and perhaps drop off a book or magazine.

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