Friday, February 5, 2010

Life not like Monopoly

First off, big thumbs up to Brock and Reed for both sleeping through the night...therefore allowing mommy, daddy and the dogs to do the same. Exactly 13 months since that has happened (mostly Reed causing the "awakenings"). So in Monopoly, there is the classic card for "Bank Error in Your Favor--Collect $200." Unfortunately, real life does not imitate art. Try to make a long story short (not my forte), but as Jen is figuring taxes, there is a discrepancy in the amount contributed to our HSA (that is a Health Savings Account, used for those who have high deductible health insurance plans, for the uninformed). Our records showed a number $625 less than the year-end bank statement. So I become a Super Sleuth (just like Pooh & Tigger, but without the capes). Phone calls, emails, registering on-line to view accounts etc. Finally, determined the difference was a deposit on January 5, 2009. Since Jen was giving birth, and I was helping (helping by not hindering), I knew we did not make the deposit. Got a hold of a real person with these details, just trying to figure if it was from the prior year or something...who knows, maybe some distant relative decided to make a deposit in honor of Reed's birth (or Jen's pain). After 30 seconds of research, they say "Oops, that was supposed to be deposited into someone else's account." Hmm, so for 13 months, no one noticed. Damn my detective skills!!! Waiting to hear back from them about a new statement, and I don't think it is too much to ask for a redacted copy of the beneficiary of my misfortune. I should at least get a toaster for being out the $$. In other news... Go Saints!!! My brief stay in N'Awlins in 83/84 made me a fan for life. Guessing they might just shut the city down for 9 days if the Saints win, with the celebration leading right into Fat Tuesday on Feb 16. Also, looks like we will reach our 500th Facebook Fan sometime today, which means our next $100 SP credit drawing. Have requested help in picking the winning row and column from our shuffle of the pictures. Coming up next...drawings for when we reach 50 reviews on TripAdvisor or 75 on the ARVC Survey (links to both on the SP website). Have a great weekend...and for some killer skiing, head to Philly or DC.

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