Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumkin Winners & Adult Costumes

More pumpkins than ever--notes below the photos

Congrats to the Adult Costume Contest Winners. Depsite the rain on Saturday night (which did not deter us from lighting the bonfire, or from having about 10 wackos join us on a wet and wild wagon ride), we had far more adult costumes this week than last week. Still considering having the adult costumes at the 5pm parade next year--offer your opinion on the poll. The pumpkin turnout was the biggest yet, as we needed a 4th table to display them all. Funny little aside regarding judging...I am one of the least artistic people I know, but I do have some creativity. Jen, on the other hand, is very artistic (and also creative--please don't think I have implied otherwise). When it comes to costumes for the kids, she put together a wonderful peanut butter and jelly outfit for her and the boys (and I was bread slice #2). She also dressed them as Rally Monkeys one weekend to support the Angels over my Yankees. However, the best she earned was an honorable mention, perhaps slightly because the judges knew who she was, and would not want to seem biased. Pumpkins are anonymous, so I explained her chances of winning would not be diminshed. She wound up submitting a carved and a painted, and received a 1st and a 2nd. The painted was a Peanuts scene with Linus and the Great Pumpkin (2nd) while her winning carved entry was the upside down Tootsie Pop with the "How many licks" owl. For the record, that pumpkin was my idea, but all the work was hers. When I got the list from the judges, I did not dare identify the artist by name--it may have been worse than when she wins at Bingo. Also, my apologies to the pumpkin announced as "Pumpkin Star" which was actually "Pumpkin Stu". That was entered by one of our campers who has been coming here since he was a hyper little kid who loved having water balloon battles with our Rec Staff. Now that he is in college, he still is one of the few people I know who is almost always smiling, and we look forward to seeing him and his family each summer. Brock exhibits that same mischievous smile, and I hope he turns out as well as all members of that family, which reminds me--congrats to Brian & Katie's brother Ed and his wife who recently had a baby girl (Mallory), making Eddie and Nancy grandparents for the first time.

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