Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rain takes a break for parade

With some heavy rain overnight, the precip is moving quickly north...but rather slowly to the east. Looks like it may clear out by noon, with the possibility of a return later in the day. While most Halloween events can be moved under the Rec Center (such as the Steve Wronker hypnosis show at 12:30), we are hopeful that the sky will cooperate with the costume parade at 5PM and trick or treating to follow. Please note that trick or treating today is like on "true" Halloween--it is what it is when it is, rain or shine. If it is clear at 5PM, the parade will be at the field (even if a light mist, or departing showers, or imminent showers), but if it is raining, we will have the parade/costume contest at the Rec Center. Be sure to visit the haunted hall--the lines were short this morning with the rain, but will grow this afternoon.

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