Saturday, October 17, 2009

A: Vampires, Ghosts, Boogeymen & Meteorologists

Jeopardy Question: Name 4 things that take pleasure in trying to scare the living bejeesus out of you. On Wednesday, you hear things like "Five straight days of wind and rain and snow and cold and floods and locust" or "A triple threat N'oreaster blizzard of '78 revisited". Seriously, did anyone notice the weather on Friday? It did not rain. It did not snow. The wind was calm, and the sun came out in the afternoon. Over 200 people joined us at Bingo on Friday night, and there were a few campers who had called to cancel who wound up calling to un-cancel after their friends showed up and told them they were being woosies and we were not buried in snow drifts. How about today? Although the bright sun that was shining earlier has given way to clouds, it looks like any rain is going to hold off until later in the day, so we are optimistic about the costume parade happening at the field as planned, and trick or treating staying reasonably dry. Might be a little iffy for the bonfire, and the overnight could be rather damp...but who knows, they have been dead wrong for the last 36 hours. Be sure to take a trip through the Haunted Hall, and join us for the Steve Wronker Hypnosis Show at 12:30, right after the pony rides (yes, the horses are going out in this weather), or Bingo at 2PM. Is it a little colder than we would like? Sure, but October is unpredictable, and so far that unpredictability extends to weather forecasters trying to see far, far into the future (like 24 hours from the broadcast). Sorry if I sound bitter (more bitter than the temperature? maybe, maybe not) but when one third of the weekend reservations call inquiring about a cancel (you would not believe how many aunts died this week, exceeded only by the massive outbreaks of influenza that were non-existent just 5 days ago when the weather...and the weather forecast...was perfect). Stay tuned for some photos of the costume parade, coming up at 5pm.

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