Monday, October 19, 2009

Thanks to the camping die-hards

A big thank you to all those campers who were not scared off by the weekend forecast...hope you enjoyed what turned out to be a pretty good weekend of weather. It is always debatable how effective (or tactful) it is to throw out an "I told you so", but you kind of have to hope that the kids of the parents who cancelled this past weekend due to the forecast drove their parents just a little crazy on Saturday with whines of "How come we didn't go camping? It is not even going to rain at all!! You are so unfair and ruined my image of Halloween for the rest of my life, and I won't ever let you forget it." (OK, so maybe that last one is a bit extreme). Guess what the long term forecast for this coming Saturday looks like? Showers, of course. All part of the unspoken conspiracy between a pair of local businesses that benefit from rainy weekend predictions (won't mention any names, but they are really big, and spend lots of money advertising) and the TV stations/weathermen of this region. Example of converation between Ma & Pa at dinner on Tuesday night. Ma: So, you still want to go to the (insert any of the following outdoor activities...campground, fair, corn maze, fall festival etc etc) this weekend? Pa: I dunno, Dr. Mel (or insert any of the other meteorological names, be it Brad F or Scott H) promises heavy rain on Saturday. Pa: You know, he may be right. Why don't we just cancel our outdoor planned activities and instead do something indoors, where you never know if it raining (or whether it is day or night, for that matter). Ma: Sounds good...give me a few minutes to empty little Billy's piggy bank of all the quarters. I know some of you are now saying to yourself "Geez Dave, you have been awfully tough on the poor weathermen lately." And I guess you are right. Don't get me wrong--I am a weather fanatic, but I have come to accept forecasts on the nightly news with Geoff Fox and others as what the really are...pure entertainment. Sort of like accepting Pro Wrestling for what it actual connection to real life, but often entertaining nonetheless.

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