Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Almost Afraid to Advertise for "Help Wanted"

While Strawberry Park has always had good response to any "help wanted" ads that we have run, this year could be a little overwhelming. When you hear about the thousands of folks who were applying for summer jobs at Six Flags, or the turn-out for a job fair at the new indoor waterpark in Waterbury, you start to wonder about not just the quantity of potential applicants, but in some cases, the over-qualification of many who will apply. I can easily see this season providing some experienced adults for positions that may have been primarily held by teens, such as arcade attendants and Grill & Creamery staff. Advertising this early has had some advantages in the past, as students (high school and college) who have the foresight to secure a summer job well before school gets out are probably the kind of kids we would want. However, with adults currently seeking jobs, many are looking for full-time work...which is not available at seasonal businesses. Therefore, while some may "commit" to a summer job with limited spring hours, in the meantime, they will probably keep looking for a full-time job. For many positions, we have had success hiring people looking for a second job with limited hours. Sometimes there are school staff, such as bus drivers, teacher's aides and food service workers who are looking for summer work. We have already had numerous inquiries from Long-Term campers regarding summer help. Some departments present possibilities, such as our Friday and Sunday RV rental turn-overs, while other areas tend to be problematic for campers (such as can sour quickly when you have to tell your friends or neighbors to quiet down). In addition, there are greater risks when hiring campers (or campers' kids), for if it does not work out, hard feelings can linger, and no one wants that uncomfortable feeling. For the first time this year, we are going to try our hand at "Craig's List" for advertising some positions. Very soon, we will be posting openings for a variety of jobs, including...

Lawn Care
Pool Supervisors
Arcade Attendants
Security Staff
Gate Staff
Reservation Desk
Equestrian Trail Guide Assistants
Grill & Creamery

and many more. We are also in the process of sending letters to the staff members from 2008 that we are inviting to return for 2009 (don't worry if you have not received a letter...they have yet to be mailed). However, not everyone is invited back. We tend to be quite tough when it comes to expectations. For instance, if we had to talk to you more than once about putting your phone away and texting while working, you probably won't be invited back. Or if you told us on August 10 that August 12 would have to be your last day because you need 2 weeks to "get ready" for school.

On a different topic, still can't believe that "Fill Your Card" is winning the Bingo Poll (and where's the love for "Stand Up Sit Down"?). I have been told by some voters that they would have liked to see "Single-Double-Triple", which could account for the "Coverall" votes, as well as a sentimental vote for the "Diamond". And finally, this weekend is the start of Daylight Savings Time, so turn those clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday night.

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