Monday, March 23, 2009

The Wonder of Craig's List

As I have noted before, I am typically a little behind when it comes to the wonders of the internet. Never really got into the whole e-bay thing, and was about a year late on discovering the actual usefullness of Facebook. Had previously mentioned the benefits of Google Analytics, and was pleasently surprised at how simple it was to set up this blog. And now...Craig's List. Gotta love the simplicity of the whole design. No frills, bells or whistles. Some people (like Bob here in the office) look there first when it comes to finding things you might need. We recently started posting a few of our Park Models on the "for sale" pages, and discovered that it is not easy to list something in a couple of different markets. Came across some other unit owners and campers who have posted their RV for sale...and many of those people have included a link to the Strawberry Park website, as well as photos. We just recently listed some job openings on Craig's List (free out here in the rural regions), and have gotten a fairly strong response. While it saddens me to see the demise of some newspapers (such as in Denver and Seattle), I must admit that getting numerous applicants from a free on-line ad sure beats getting a limited reply from an expensive newspaper ad. We have also included a listing of job openings on our website, as well as an application available to be printed, and it seems like we are hearing back from returning employees much faster than in years past. Don't get me wrong, as I am sure there are some negatives to Craig's List. Will we start getting more SPAM email? Not sure if that is even possible. Will we miss out on some people who are not as techno-savvy? Perhaps. As long as we don't somehow become linked to those escort services that apparently also advertise their "services" on Craig's List (at least according to CT Attorney General Blumenthal in one of his nightly news appearances), I look forward to utilizing this simple system more in the future.

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