Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome Daylight Savings Time!!

One of my favorite days of the year has changed recently. In fact, the first weekend in April used to be one of my personal favorites, as it had 4 things going for it. First, it marked the unofficial start of camping season. Second, it was NCAA Final Four Weekend. Third, it was the start of the baseball season. And last, it marked the start of Daylight Savings Time. These days, the start of DST occurs even earlier. This Saturday night is time to turn those clocks ahead 1 hour. Sure, we lose an hour of sleep...but with two infants, that really is a moot point. More importantly, it is light out later each day. Almost as important is the theory that maybe the dogs will sleep a little later each morning. At least this year, DST arrives with some spring-like temps. This weekend is also the last of my crazy wrestling tournament marathons, with the New England Championships being hosted by CT at the New Haven Athletic Center. While unlike last year when two of my former wrestlers reached the NE finals, I have no real allegiances this year. Perhaps we will find some future mud wrestlers for our July 4th and Labor Day exhibitions at Strawberry Park.

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