Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Rivalry Continues...if the Rays falter

How unfun was last fall's baseball scenario, with neither the Yankees to cheer for or the Red Sox to cheer against (or vice versa, for you Boston fans) in the World Series. Looking forward to an exciting 2009, with fans of both teams living and dying with every game between the two teams. In addition, the Mets fans (and that camper always feels slighted when I announce Yankee and Red Sox scores at Bingo) can welcome their new stadium as well, with hopes of their own of overtaking the Phillies...which I am sure they can do once again for April through mid-September. Speaking of new stadiums, Jen presented me with a wonderful birthday present (I should clarify--one of many great presents, as she is a terrific present picker) of tickets to the Red Sox first visit to the new Yankee Stadium in early May (luckily a mid-week series, and probably pre-Rod). Need to figure out if we can bring Brock along to share my seat, as he will still be under 2 years old. In case you are wondering about other thoughful gifts, I received a cool "Wizard of Oz" sign from the "What on Earth" catalog (the same place Rich L gets most of his enlightening t-shirts) to hang above the bathroom "Nobody gets to see the wizard. Not nobody, not no how." Plus, a scrumdillicious homemade cheescake that is about to become brunch here on the day after. Looking ahead to opening day (April 6), that is a great day for sports, with afternoon baseball and evening NCAA hoops final. Perhaps the UConn men will be there, if they are not too distracted by Nategate.


  1. I just want to clarify that you only announce the Red Sox scores if they are losing! lol

  2. ...and therefore hoping to make daily announcements in 2009

  3. We will see won't we?
